2026 wcna > 공지사항

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2026 wcna

페이지 정보

작성자 : 관리자 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 () 댓글 0건 조회 235회 작성일 2025-01-20 17:24



Dear Vera,

With a fresh start into the new year for 2025, we would like to provide you with some interesting information and background on the World Congress of Nurse Anaesthetists and what you can expect to see for WCNA 2026 hosted in Brisbane, Australia next year.

WCNA 2026 Hosts


Hosted by the International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists (IFNA) and cohosted by the Australasian College of PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ACPAN), the 15th World Congress of Nurse Anaesthetists (WCNA) will be held in Australia for the first time. The congress will take place in Brisbane from 7 to 9 May 2026, bringing together perianaesthesia nurses, world-leading specialists and colleagues from across the globe for a comprehensive scientific program, social events, and networking opportunities.


IFNA, founded in 1989, is an international organization representing nurse anesthetists globally. Its mission is to advance educational standards and practices in anesthesiology to improve anesthesia care worldwide. Recognised as the authoritative voice for nurse anesthetists, IFNA cooperates with relevant institutions and supports the profession's contributions to global healthcare. It also advocates for nurse anesthetists in healthcare policy, emphasising their essential role.

ACPAN is the leading professional body for perianaesthesia nurses in Australia and New Zealand. Established to promote professional development, education, and a strong community and support system for ACPAN members by encouraging the participation in accredited education events, certification, and collaboration with national and international organizations.

What to expect for the WCNA 2026 Program


The WCNA 2026 Program will cover a range of insightful topics in perianaesthesia, specifically looking at:

✔️ Industry Innovations & Technology

✔️ Regional Anaesthesia

✔️ Pain Management

✔️ Paediatric and Obstetric Anaesthesia

✔️ Interactive workshops

✔️ Safety & Sustainability

✔️ Anaesthesia Care Techniques

✔️ Leadership

✔️ Pathology

✔️ Geriatrics

✔️ Pharmacology

✔️ Healthcare Policy

WCNA 2026 Partnership Opportunities


If you are interesting in enquiring about exhibiting or supporting the World Congress of Nurse Anaesthetists 2026, please contact the WCNA 2026 Partnership Manager c/o MCI Australia at:


State Host Destination Partner

Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) is a statutory body of the Queensland Government and the state’s lead marketing, tourism experience and destination development and major events agency.


WCNA 2026 Koala Competition is live!



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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